mandag 20. april 2020

Thilo Schröter førstebestiger ny 8B bulder på Sørlandet

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El Pistolero • 8B • FA 🤠 When i discovered Justøya last year there were a few lines that really grabbed my attention. This was definitely one of them! I’ve been describing the climbing on this island as a mixture of Brione and Font, and this particular boulder embodies so many of Font’s unique qualities that one would think it’s take straight out of the French forest. Slapping your way up this enormous belly is extremely awkward, the feet are fucked, and the hands are so bad and slidey that it feels like you just have to have everything dialled enough so that you can climb faster than your falling! 😂 On another note I’m psyched to announce that I’m now partnered with @frictionlabs! Pretty fitting that this is the first boulder I climbed with their top noch white gold! 🎥: @tinajhafsaas
Et innlegg delt av THILO SCHRÖTER (@thiloschroeter)

Thilo Schröter har etablert enda en hard bulder. El Pistolero ligger på Justøya utenfor Lillesand og er gradert 8B. Justøya er blitt et stort buldreområde med over 350 etablerte buldre, og El Pistolero er vel både øya og Sørlandets hardeste bulder så vidt jeg kan huske. Thilo har tidligere gått to 8A-buldre, mens Erik Grandelius har gått ett, viser denne oversikten fra 27crags.

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